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Photo© Sigrid Estrada

—I am a teacher and an artist.

With a BA from the U of Wisc., and an MFA from Cal. Inst. of the Arts, I am an ongoing college instructor with over 35 years of experience. I have taught courses in art history, art criticism, and practical and theoretical photography at UNC-Charlotte; Rutgers U, NJ; SUNY-Albany; Russell Sage College, NY; Moore College of Art, PA; ICP-NYC; et al—most recently, a graduate level course at NYU (10 years) and a continuing course in the history of photography at SVA-NYC. I have remained an adjunct professor throughout this period for personal and professional reasons: to devote my time to teaching rather than administration and to be able to devote non-teaching time to my art.

As a working artist, I have made photographic art since graduate school and shown across the USA, Europe and South America. I am part of the permanent collections of the Sam Wegstaff/Getty Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, Davidson College, NC, Humboldt State, CA, U of Brasilia, Recife.

My photography is collage-based—with two primary groupings. One group is represented by decorative creations that are Matisse-inspired pattern pieces utilizing color theory and relying mostly on pure aesthetics. Another group of altar pieces are intensely detailed collages documenting Afro-Brazilian culture in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay—an ongoing twenty-five year project.

Conjointly, I am a master Ilfochrome printer and until recently have printed professionally for many renown photographic artists in NY. In this capacity I have always printed my own images from 4 x 5 color slides. This process has now evolved from its analog origins into digital photography.

Lastly, as a teacher I thoroughly enjoy my profession with its implied integrity and responsibility—attributes I take very seriously.


—Peter A Kloehn

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

Cibachrome Collage

The Eye

The Eye

Preto Vehlo

Preto Vehlo

Preto Vehlos

Preto Vehlos

Syncretic Altar-Last Supper

Syncretic Altar-Last Supper

Umbanda Altar

Umbanda Altar

Temple of the Sun and Moon

Temple of the Sun and Moon

Cave Exú

Cave Exú

Zé Pelintra Olinda

Zé Pelintra Olinda

Gilded Altar

Gilded Altar

Preto Vehlo Exu Altar

Preto Vehlo Exu Altar

Crianças Altar

Crianças Altar

African Hut

African Hut

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